
Two months of non blogging ….

Was it just the urban no-time syndrome?

may be it was ….may be not ! Words don’t always make a meaning ….so at times the mind goes silent to introspect and dwell in the inner luxury. The mind trains in its zone of silence while the daily life continues as is. The thoughts that begin from one end and reach the farthest corner of the known and unknown in a fraction of a second…..how incredible is the working of the mind.

Psychologists study the mind……the spiritual masters emphasize silence. Silence of the mind, silence of words, silence in mood, silence in every form….

but why ?



One thought on “absence…….

  1. yes ,silence is the best message,trying to learn it ,today got tulsi mala 108 times , am a bit ashamed to do it in public ,but will soon get it over ,tring hard to be true to self ,and for inner peace,had worn tulsi mala but had to give up due to nonveg ,am still trying to grapple with pnilsophy arguements ,school of thoughrs ,and was advised keep it simple by my mom ,thanks


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